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Parent Teacher Association


The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a collaborative fundraising and event-planning effort between the parents and teachers at Richmond Consolidated School. Fundraising is concentrated on projects and needed resources that are beyond the scope of public funding yet enhance the academic, athletic, and arts programs at the school.


All parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in the PTA! Let’s all work together to benefit the school, the community, and our kids!


Our PTA:


Who are we?

We are a group of parents and teachers who volunteer our time and resources to raise money, organize events, and support our school.


What do we do?

The PTA raises about $20,000 annually to fund things such as field trips for our students, supplies for our classrooms, and books for our library. We sponsor events that we all look forward to and enjoy immensely, such as the Back to School Barbecue, the Richmond Craft and Country Fair, the Winter Carnival, the Color Run, the Ice Cream Social, and many other fun and enriching events throughout the year (if there’s something cool going on after school, the PTA is most likely involved!). It takes a lot of work and parent involvement to pull off these events each year. We SO appreciate everyone who volunteers.


When do we meet?

The PTA meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the conference room by the school’s main entrance. Babysitters are provided. 


What do we need?

YOU! Right now, there are just a few of us actively involved in the PTA. We all have jobs, obligations, and families, but we make time for this vital part of our children’s education. Whether you are new to the PTA or a “veteran” volunteer, we want your help!! We need parents to attend our meetings and share their ideas. We need volunteers to organize and staff events. We need examples set for the children that see you volunteering. It’s an excellent opportunity to get involved and give back to the school we love so much! 


How can you help?

Everyone has something to offer and can make a difference! All you need is a little bit of time and a willingness to help. And don’t worry if you haven’t been with us since the beginning of the year; it’s never too late to get involved! 


When can you help?

Come to a meeting!! We meet monthly in the conference room by the school’s main entrance unless otherwise noted in the weekly newsletter. Please check the website and the newsletter for the date/time each month. There are lots of significant events coming up that are only made possible by parental involvement! We hope to see you there! 


Your PTA Officers 2023-2024


Frank Maher – Chairperson

Erin Roney – Co-Chairperson

John Hanson – Treasurer

Mark McCormick-Goodhart - Secretary

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Tel: 413-698-2207



1831 State Road

Richmond, MA 01254-5100

Richmond Consolidated School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or homelessness.

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